Even After Death - Chapter 884

Chapter 884


Chapter 884


That night, Olivia tossed and turned in bed. She couldn’t fall asleep. She didn’t know how she could help


Was she staying with Henry willingly? Or did Everly want to get away like she did?

She couldn’t think of a better solution, so she decided to ask Everly in person.

The following day, Olivia started to investigate Henry’s whereabouts. She kept it up for a few days.

Everly’s miscarriage should have happened recently. She had been resting at Henry’s place without even

coming out.

A lady was responsible for buying the groceries, cooking, and cleaning every day.

She was very tight-lipped. Olivia tried to cozy up to her, but she didn’t get any information from the lady.

A week had passed. It had been around two weeks since Everly’s miscarriage.

Given her personality, she would be out the door very soon.

On the sixth day of her tailing Henry, Olivia heard him asking Ethan to join him for some drinks.

Henry rubbed his temples and said with a troubled expression, “Does Olivia really think we haven’t noticed


He took out a stack of photos.

They were all of Olivia when she was tailing him. She looked adorable while she was poking her head

around in the photos.

“Or do you think I have nothing better to do other than play this game with her every day?”

Henry discovered Olivia quite some time ago. He had to order the bodyguards to ignore her so she

wouldn’t know he already knew.

“Take your woman back with you. I don’t have time for her games.”

Ethan took the photos away like they were some treasure. “Where’s the film?”

Henry looked at Ethan and said, “Do you have to be so creepy?”

“It’s none of your business. I want to keep photos of my wife for myself.”

Ethan didn’t think his actions were embarrassing at all. In fact, he was a little proud of himself.

He didn’t get to see such a cute side of Olivia that often.


Henry shook his head in resignation. “You’re hopeless. Both of you are messed up. She’s tailing me, and

you’re tailing her. Can’t you just play your games at home?”

“You’ll understand if you’re in my shoes.”

Henry swayed the glass and sipped on the wine elegantly.

“I don’t understand, nor do I want to. Women are all the same. Give them the carrot when they’re obedient

or the stick when they act out of line.”

Everyone had a different view on relationships.

Henry didn’t understand Ethan’s perspective, and vice versa.

“It’s like you’re training a dog.” Ethan hit the nail on the head.

“You dote on your wife too much. You’re so obsessed with her, but you don’t even get to hold her hand.

“You even have to sneak around. To be frank, I find that appalling.”

Ethan didn’t explain himself. He looked at Henry with a weary expression.

“You’ll regret your actions someday.”

“Yeah, right.”

Henry finished his wine with a sneer on his face. “Do you know the biggest difference between us? Women are like playthings to me.

“Why would I feel regret for a toy? I’ll just get another one if I grow tired of my current one. I’ll never let a woman control my emotions.”

“I hope you still feel the same way after three years.”

Love was something that would trap someone in its grasp before they realized it, and it would be too late to break free by then.

The more clear-minded they were, the more deeply they would fall in love, and the more it would hurt.

“Alright, what about the person I asked you to investigate? My son is still with him.”

“Investigate? I don’t even know what he looks like. How am I supposed to look into him?”

Henry rolled his eyes at Ethan.


Then, he added, “But I did get some information. The person used to be a member of The Black Ravens.

“He is an S-rank assassin. His codename was Shadowhawk”

